Established in 2001, the Bishop Garrett Society honors and recognizes those who, committed to Incarnation now and in the future, make provisions for a leaving legacy gift. The Society also acknowledges faithful parishioners from previous generations. Without their generosity and vision, we wouldn’t be the vibrant parish we are today.


Don’t think you have anything significant to give?

— Wendy and Chase Skorburg
“Because we designated a percentage of our estate to the church in our wills, we don’t know what the size of our gift will be. However regardless of size, we believe the Foundation will be capable of maximizing our gift and will responsibly administer the funds to ensure Incarnation’s strong future. It is a joy to participate in the life of the church this way,” says Wendy Skorburg.

“It’s been a privilege to see how the Foundation’s grants have blessed those who have received them and helped to further God’s Kingdom. We also feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to see how thoughtfully bequests and other estate gifts are handled, and how the policies of the Foundation provide a strong roadmap for the future,” says Chase. “With the Foundation’s care and Incarnation’s history of effective leadership, we were glad to include Incarnation in our will, when we set it up after our daughter was born.”

Plan Your Gift

Make a final statement of gratitude for the blessings of your life, regardless of the length of time you’ve been a part of the Incarnation family.

Name (as you wish it to appear in publication)

I/we wish to remain anonymous



I have included the Church of the Incarnation in my estate plans through: (select all applicable)

Bequest or TrustRetirement AccountLife Insurance PolicyPlease contact me to confidentially discuss my membership in the Bishop Garrett Society.